
Group Companies Japanese Page
Group Companies
Address : 450 7th Avenue, Suite 1409 New York
NY 10123, U.S.A.
TEL : +1-212-244-8833
FAX : +1-212-714-1933
URL : http://www.sraamerica.com/
Established : November 1984
With a primary focus on clients in North and Central America, SRA America provides businesses with system integration services that deliver full-spectrum support for enterprise applications, from planning and development to actual implementation. In addition to all types of ERP implementation and development, SRA America targets the realization of low-cost, high-quality systems implementation through the use of global resources in areas such as legacy systems optimization and systems development that incorporates product solutions. Furthermore, working from its base of extensive systems operation experience, SRA America provides security management, operations administration, help-desk support, and other services in the context of its "Global Operations Support" framework.